"How fast is it?" is one of the question that customers often ask, we tried to answer with this small diagram:
17ms is the average time to generate a document with jOpenDocument, 12ms are spent in disk IO (standard hard disk).
Using a SSD based system, documents are generated in average in 6 ms using 1 cpu core.
Before releasing jOpenDocument 1.1, we ran several tests and decided to use a sample code from ODFDOM in order to see how it can be done with our API.
The conversion was very surprising, the 300 lines of code from ODFDOM were reduced to 130 lines. The code reduction come from the use of an empty document as template in order to define styles, instead of creating it by hand.
Because we wanted to see what is the average time to create a document, we modified the source code in order to create 1000 documents. By dividing the running times, we had the following results:
The test was done with ODFDOM 0.8 and jOpenDocument 1.1, the computer used is a standard desktop PC.
The eclipse project project can be downloaded here. You can use it as a sample code for from scratch document creation.